
deserve support and

deserve support and promotion 11 C meet with your pr team regularly to communicate realistic goals and measure progress paint a real world picture of what success looks like each month and listen to the reports to see if they are indeed attainable you get out of pr what you put into it 12 C agree upon metrics in advance all too often executives lose sight of what pr is designed to do the right coverage is invaluable even when it doesnt translate into visible hits traffic spikes or sales super bowl ads for example rarely pay for themselves in the short run realize that a proactive intelligent and consistent pr program will contribute to the bottomline it shouldnt be solely responsible for company success or failure metrics can be in the form of specific targets every month registrations lead generation links and now conversations additional stories: matthew steibe gary reid publicity for small business growth mike manuel global nerdy jeremiah owyang dave donohue gino cosme the language used to describe the semantic web is complicated enough C at a glance it looks a bit quantum theoryish just enough to make your eyes roll back into your head to look for ways to kill themselves C but tim bernerslee whos responsible for all those ws littering your urls inspired enough faith that whatever the semantic web was it could be accomplished semantic web developer mor naaman however amidst a now somewhat miffed semantic web developer crowd pulled rank and declared the semantic web dead a researcher at yahoo research berkeley naaman presented his case at the international world wide web conference in alberta canada naaman relegated bernerslees vision of a cooperative web where people and machines get along in digitized organized artificial intelligence harmony via tags told ya this is some heady quantum stuff to a pipe dream naaman reminds bernerslee that people in general especially collectively just aint that bright the semantic web you see relies in large part on people tagging their online media in a rather standardized academic highminded meaningful and structured way and naaman thinks thats too much to ask: there is no way that we can engage the masses in annotating media with semantic labels at best we can get the people to annotate content such as flickr images or youtube videos with short text descriptions or tags hmmm yes very aristotelian i like it sounds like naamans aactually

タグ :aion_leveling

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